Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Amazing Syrup

I made a homemade Mrs. Butterworth type syrup recently, extremely well received by everyone at the breakfast table.

Super Easy Syrup

In a saucepan combine the following:

1/2 cup salted butter
1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup brown sugar

Stir and heat until sugar has dissolved, butter has melted, and everything melds together.  This is awesome on pancakes and waffles.  CJ and Eliza have asked me to make it twice more since the first time.  And the leftovers keep well in a jar in the fridge.  It solidifies a little so needs to be rewarmed, but we like warm syrup better anyhow.  It makes a nice alternative to the pure maple syrup we usually use, and I always have the ingredients on hand.  I think a little cinnamon and vanilla would be nice in the next batch.  Let me know if you try it!

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