Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Pumpkin Pie for Breakfast

I love making larabars.  It is a snack I have blogged before, that my kids adore.  I keep looking at the store for the new flavors to make them myself at home.  This year they added pumpkin pie to the lineup.  This was great for several reasons: first I always have a partial can of pumpkin this time of year since most recipes only call for half a can, it is a great seasonal flavor snack or breakfast, and I love the smell of the spices and fruit in this.  It smells like Thanksgiving. 

First thing to do is to take that partial can of pumpkin and spread it really thin on a silicone baking sheet or cookie sheet lined with parchment.  This is important, don't skip it!  Bake it at 250 until dehydrated.  You could use a dehydrator if you prefer, but this doesn't take long.  Let it cool.  Crumble into the food processor with 1 cup pitted dates, 3/4 cup cashews and 3/4 cup sliced almonds, 1/4 tsp each: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice.  Follow same procedure for regular larabars.  You could use seeds instead of nuts.  These taste like pumpkin pie and are so good.

To make them festive I made them look like little turkeys!

 I used sliced almonds for tail feathers, and slices of pitted dates for the head.  These are for breakfast for Thanksgiving with a fruit platter made to look like a turkey.
Hope you have a delicious and amazing Thanksgiving!

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